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07 March 2022

Convenience and comfort postponement

Turbulence did get both sails up today; the mainsail this morning and the jib this afternoon, when the wind was theoretically a bit lighter (I think they furled that jib in competition level time).  We checked off a bunch of other small items that needed to be tested, ordered a new EPIRB to replace the (semi?) dead one, to be delivered in a few days, went on a so-far fruitless search for the latest Certificate of Documentation that should have arrived in Lauderdale in November, put the anchor and chain back into its locker, stripped the remaining sheets from the two bunks to wash them (they've been protecting the mattresses), and even made a stop at CK's for some non-perishables.  We arrived back to the apartment around 1730, and are doing some wash and thinking of walking over to the Container Park (restaurants, bar, ice cream, coffee shop, all in shipping containers, a Grenada feature since sometime in our early years here.  There's a sushi place, so that is the target, but there are other choices if that's a no-go.  

Last night we ate at the Dodgy Dock at True Blue.  Our very first stop in Grenada was there in June of 2011; the photo above was taken then.  We sat nearby this 12 Degrees North sign last night, and I was reminded of this photo.  It seems impossible that it is nearly 12 years ago.  We stopped here only for a couple or three days, and staged outside the Hog Island anchorage before making the overnight passage to Trinidad and our southernmost point in our Caribbean voyages.  We've had a couple of little siren calls in that direction yesterday; our family friends there are hoping we will swing south again, and our Toronto friends on Receta are at the marina or dock in Chagaraumas doing some maintenance, but not planning to cruise themselves.

I checked in with Chris Parker's Eastern Caribbean forecast today and it was a bit disheartening: no good sailing northbound for at least a week - extremely sporty to totally unpleasant, not to say a little dangerous.  So...a little time on our hands.  We did decide to postpone the launch from tomorrow to Wednesday; I will try to take advantage and do some shopping and cooking here at the apartment.  It's a bit of a toss up, given schlepping and a lightly equipped kitchen, but I'll bring the pressure cooker and that tips the balance in favor of spacious and air conditioned.

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